Saturday, August 3, 2013

Todd Kincannon and todays republican party

Remember when republicans would only say in private or at dinners with their rich donors things that most people wouldn’t say in public but we all knew they really believed. Turns out there is a republican who doesn’t have a censor button and that would be South Carolina’s very own Todd Kincannon who is the former director of the South Carolina republican party, a lawyer and the as it turns out a racist women hating republican - but really is there any other kind these days. Lets take a look at some of the wonderful things this man (and I use that term loosely) has said.


February 4, 2013 during the Super Bowl in New Orleans

“This Super Bowl sucks more dick than adult Trayvon Martin would have for drug money”

“It hasn’t been this dark in the Superdome since all those poors occupied it during Hurricane Katrina”


Attacking Michael Prysner -an Iraq war veteran who came home disabled and now speaks out against the war

“What do you get when you combine asshattery and jizzwhistlery with a side of douchebagery? Why you get Mike Prysner”

Then after calling him a “cocksucker” he went further

“You are an Iraq war Vet? Shame you didn’t come home in a body bag”

“I wish the Iraqis had better aim with his ass, Yes I hope if that guy is ever in combat again the enemy splatters his brains JFK - Style, he deserves it”


This is after he called Nancy Pelosi a “Cunt” in November

The sad thing is that these aren’t even shocking anymore, the republicans have went so extreme that they say and do anything they feel and thanks to the big money behind them buying elections and the election process itself being rigged with redistricting and voter suppression laws they know there is no chance of them losing their jobs. The media ignores these stories because there’s so many and it’s not even news anymore, if the media did their job instead of worrying about profits they would report these stories and shine the light on what is really going on.

There is no room in civilized American society for people like this let alone making them leaders.

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